Friday, March 25, 2011

If you like Pina Coladas...

I do!
There isn't much difference between frozen drinks and smoothies... except alcohol. I could use some after the day I had!
All my bones are in tact for one... I was out running in the village today, minding my own business and listening to some jazzy 90's rap when a jeep backed down their driveway so fast they almost hit me! I jumped back in time for the guy to barely miss me! In true Maine fashion the driver apologized over and over and I said it was ok. Not ok that he almost ran me over but ok that he was so nice about it. (At least I run near the hospital so I could have hobbled over there...) High on the idea of not being injured I decided to run a longer loop... too bad my calves didn't agree. BUT I must have run very fast b/c I got home and found out I ripped my running capris up the leg. Speed is dangerous :-P

Now my daughter AND my husband are sick. My daughter ASKED to go to the dr's today and sure enough... ear infection!

Needless to say I need a drink tonight.

This smoothie is delicious!!
1 1/2 cup frozen pineapple
1 banana
1 tbls honey
11.2 oz Vita Coco Coconut Water
Splash of pineapple juice

***RUM to be added after it gets dark out b/c I should at least wait for that***

I noticed there are a lot of views on the blog which is great!! If you like it PLEASE follow it! I want more followers :-)

1 comment:

  1. mmmmm, yummmmmmy! Love the umbrellas too! Feel better gang, Bree, stay healthy!
