Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Homemade Soup for the Soul.

I LOVE everything about Fall! The leaves, weather, Halloween, and of course the cooking. While parusing the grocery store this week I was sad to find out the pumpkin wouldn't be out for awhile - there went my smoothie idea. So I decided to make a yummy soup instead.

I cooked:
32 oz organic vegetable stock (unsalted)
1/2 whole winter squash chopped
1 large red potato chopped
1/2 cup raw lentils
1/2 large onion diced
2 cloves of garlic sliced
Sprinkle of Tumeric
Sprinkle of Curry powder
Salt and Pepper for taste

Bring to a boil and then simmer for 25 minutes or so. Cool for about 10 minutes and then blend - either in blender or with an immersion blender. (Before I blend I usually throw in raw baby spinach :-) Then serve! This soup was so delicious and sweet - I think it was because I usually use chicken stock. The vegetable stock must provide some sweetness!

The best part is.... this makes a lot of soup! Leftovers :-)

As my husband prepares for his marathon a few days I have to make some more calorie rich foods soon... maybe I will post a new whoppie pie recipe or pictures of all our pasta dinners :-)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Three days until my daughter is three.
I have been so overwhelmed with pride, sadness and wondering where has the time gone that I haven't really blended much. Oh, and did I mention we are hosting a VERY large birthday party Saturday! Over 70 people to be exact. I have purposely drained my fridge in order to make room for all the food I am about to make. So the fresh smoothies will have to wait until next week. (Maybe by then pumpkin will be in the stores!)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Goodbye Summer.

Summer days are winding down....
Our caterpillar became a butterfly

We bought some back-to-school sneakers

And along comes Fall.
The weather is cooler, the apples are ready to be picked and the leaves turn orange... my favorite color! This Fall marks some important events. My daughter is turning 3 (tear) and I am turning 30 (lots of tears).

I have some tasty Fall smoothies coming up soon (hint hint... lots of pumpkin and apples). Enjoy the last days of Summer!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ode to Hawaii

**Please press the play button on the bottom of this post to hear some Jack Johnson while you read this post :-) 

Tomorrow marks 1 year since we left for Hawaii for 6 weeks. It was our 2nd time visiting but our first time living there opposed to vacationing there. Hawaii has a special place in my heart. From the first time I stepped off the plane in 2007 I fell in love. I feel so relaxed there. A part of me could live there and be very happy.

I wanted to make a smoothie that made me think of sitting outside on a warm Hawaiian night...
I simply blended...
A lot of frozen pineapple
A few frozen strawberries
1/2 squeezed lime
Splash of green tea

I will be mixing my smoothie with coconut rum later... then I will feel like I am sitting on the deck at Duke's!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Irene + 3000 views!

I have to be honest and say I'm a little disappointed that Irene didn't provide the storm action I was hoping for. We took a drive by the beach at high tide and saw that most spots were closed.... which has never happened since we moved here - 6 years ago!

On another note...I just hit 3,000 views on my blog!! How exciting! Now I have to find some new recipes to make for a snappier blog :-P

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Crispy Kale & Chocolate Cake

I think I should have been a storm chaser. I love storms - snow, rain and now Irene! Tonight, with excitement we grilled some turkey burgers and made crispy kale - thanks to the fresh kale straight from my husbands cousin's garden! This, again, is not my recipe... but I've heard about it from so many people I wouldn't even know who to credit. Just drizzle olive oil, sea salt and pepper on fresh kale and bake in the oven until crisp, like a chip. Watch out... it burns fast!

After dinner my daughter and I thought it would be nice / polite to welcome Irene to the neighborhood. We made a chocolate cake together (baking is now my daughter's favorite thing to help mom with!) Maybe this delicious peace offering will coerce Irene to spare our shingles and protect the car that is outside! The cake is somewhat healthy - applesauce and whole grain flour! Plus, who can forget the milk :-D

And with that our delicious evening of eating is done - I am off to lay in bed. I ran too far in too hot of weather and burnt myself out.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Warning: Picky Eater with Pigtails

My little picky eater with pigtails has seemed to get a little more picky the past couple of days! I think pickles and strawberries are her main staples, with a sometimes a side of goldfish. This degree of picky-ness makes me nervous! My daughter runs and plays all day long and on what fuel??? Cuteness?!

So tonight I had to cheat a little and use an Odwalla drink in my smoothie. I have to sneak some extra nutrients in somehow.... and I have to face the fact that I've used bribery way TOO much lately :-P

I blended...
1/2 bottle Odwalla Super Food
Frozen Pineapple
Frozen raspberries
Frozen strawberries
Frozen blueberries
Raw baby spinach
A little ice water to help blend

It turned out great! It was the perfect treat on this warm night and my little picky eater with pigtails drank it all!

On a side note I just completed my first 10K! I never ever thought I would do a 5K, never mind a 10K! Now I am looking for some Fall races... preferably ones that benefit good causes! Please let me know if you know of any :-D

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Banana Ice Cream

I really wanted to share this recipe with everyone because it is SO GOOD! My husband's cousin told me about this recipe and then I had to google it to get some ideas for mix-ins... So, I by no means can take credit for this... but I did enjoy it a lot :-D

Peel and cut up 3-4 bananas. Now put into the freezer until completely frozen. Then put the chunks into the food processor for about 5 minutes. At first they won't mix up well and you will need to keep stopping the processor and spooning the mixture off the sides. Be patient and watch the mixture go from crumbles to a thick and whipped ice-cream! (At this point I add a tablespoon or so of milk and a little bit of vanilla extract). Mix again to blend.

The mixture looks just like vanilla ice cream and is delicious! We tried mixing peanut butter in and that was really delicious! So good and so healthy!!

My little taste-tester LOVED it and thinks it is real ice cream!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

We've got our Vitamin D, what about our C?!

I'm back! This is shaping up to be a very busy, but fun summer! If you don't believe me drive past my house and look at my gardens / weeds or view my empty blog. I am always blending but never seem to find the time to share the recipes.

Tonight, I decided to make something with my sunflower seeds since I forgot to eat them today. What goes with sunflower seeds... sun... yellow... pineapple?? It just seemed right!

I blended...
1 cup frozen pineapple
1 raw orange peeled
1 cup spinach
1/4 cup raw unsalted sunflower seeds
1/4 cup raw oats
Cold brewed green tea to blend
*1 scoop orange sherbet (only because my daughter spotted it in the freezer and insisted!)

This is a really delicious smoothie packed with iron and vitamin C! The seeds do make it a little crunchy, so be prepared to chew some sips!

Hopefully I'll be posting another recipe soon! In the meantime everyone enjoy summer while it's still here! :-D

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The whoopie strikes back.

One of my first blog entries was about chocolate chip whoopie pies. Since then I have made them quite a lot and have received a lot of compliments on them!! Well, this evening I "slaved" over a hot stove in this heat to make tons of them! I wouldn't do it for anyone else but my husband, whose birthday is tomorrow! I always make a big deal out of birthdays and enjoy going a little out of my way to celebrate :-)

I thought I would pass the recipe on so everyone can enjoy them!!

Chocolate Chip Whoopie Recipe:

Sift together 2 1/4 cups flour, 1 1/2 teasp baking powder, and 1/2 teasp salt

In a mixer beat together 4 tables butter (at room temp), 4 tables veg shortening, 1/2 cup granulated sugar and 1/2 cup packed brown sugar. Beat until creamy. Add 2 large eggs and 1/2 cup buttermilk. Beat until combined.

Add 2 tables milk, 1 teasp baking soda, 1/2 teasp vanilla extract and 1 teasp white vinegar to the mixture. Slowly add in the flour mixture until combined. Stir in 1 cup mini chocolate chips.

Drop 1 tables of batter onto a cookie sheet 2 inches apart. Bake at 375 for 7-10 mins.

Filling is 4 oz cream cheese at room temp, 4 tables unsalted butter, 3 1/2 cups confect sugar and 1 teasp vanilla extract


And Happy Birthday to a very thoughtful, generous and caring partner, Jeff!! We're lucky to have you!! And Happy Birthday to my mom, who pretty much is the best mom ever :-)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Yucca and a Princess

Tonight was an extra fun night for my daughter... she watched Cinderella for the first time. In preparation we baked- *together*- a chocolate cake for the tea party that accompanied the movie. She watched in her princess dress and tiara. I, however, was sporting pj pants, which I am sure Cinderella herself sported at some point in her life :-)

For our tea party I couldn't resist making a yucca root smoothie!
I took a bite just to see what it tasted like. I guess it tastes like a raw potato but much sweeter.
I blended:
1/4 cup grated raw yucca root (I peeled the skin off)
1 whole orange
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
sprinkle of frozen blueberries
Cold brewed green tea
POM juice

This is a really good smoothie! I could mainly taste the raspberries... the yucca did leave a "chalky" taste.... but I forgot about it after a minute.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yucca root....

I'm working on a new interesting recipe right now!!
I saw yucca root at the grocery store and thought I could blend it into something delicious!

In the meantime I started a new blog...
I've been so inspired by other blogs featuring the "365 Project" that I decided to do one too. The purpose is to take a picture everyday and then you can look back at your year and see your life in pictures.
Please feel free to check it out! I won't be linking it on Facebook just quietly putting up pictures :-)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

We all scream for ice cream

Too busy to blend.... obsessed with Shain's of Maine Whoopie Pie ice cream.

(I figure that since I'm busy I might as well post about good food in between smoothies!)

Happy 4th!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Getting Schooled.

It's rare that I'm so busy I don't have time to make a smoothie, even a basic recipe. My blender has been sitting under the kitchen island, lonely and unplugged. We've been working on the backyard, getting a new car, enjoying a much needed family getaway to Storyland, and today.... my daughter's first day of school.

We feel so spoiled in that I stay home with my daughter and she plays with me, her friends, and explores new playgrounds daily. So today, all 3.5 hours of school, were a big step for the family! I took the traditional first day of school photos. My husband and I brought her to school together. We got kisses and hugs and then our daughter told us it was OK to leave, since she was having so much fun. Thank goodness her teacher sent me photos on my phone of our daughter having a blast (it really made me stop sobbing and smile!) My little social butterfly really loved school and did fantastic. I am so proud of her! It really makes my weeks of preparation worth it (purchasing a new summer preschool wardrobe, labeling everything with her name, finding the perfect sunscreen, and fine tuning the potty skills!)

Now when Fall preschool starts she'll be a pro!

I just had to share how proud I am! Thanks for reading!

New recipes to come! I promise.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Put on your smoothie pants!

Just like you need to put on your "cookie pants" for delicious cookies, you need to put on your "smoothie pants" for the smoothie I made tonight.

I blended...
1/4 cup ground cashews ( I used my baby food processor)
2 tablespoons grated Ghirardelli 60% cacao chocolate
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
4oz Stoneyfield vanilla probiotic yogurt
Organic 1 % milk to blend

So yummy and very filling!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

For the Birds.

We are lucky enough to have a duck pond within walking distance of our house. We went this evening to feed them... spinach! The ducks like it and it's healthy for them. (Little did they know they were munching on an organic spinach and romaine mix - hey, I have to do my part to keep the ducks healthy!)
Spinach is definitely for the birds... and the B's!

I made a not-so-exciting but very refreshing smoothie at lunch today...
Pineapple juice ice cubes
2 slices of frozen pineapple
8 oz POM juice
2 cups spinach

This was a single serving smoothie so it was a little "spinachy" but really good on this almost 90 degree day!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Show me the Greens

There's something about greens that make me hungry. It all started when I was pregnant with my daughter. I craved canned spinach with au gratin potatoes. Fast forward to now when I love it raw and steamed - never canned. I still crave spinach, probably for the iron since I no longer eat red meat. Regardless of the reason it's delicious and about to be increased in our diet. I decided it is time to take our green intake up a notch. (By the way broccoli tastes good with every meal!)  I'm proud that our 2.5 year old eats more greens then a lot of adults and I want to keep her as healthy as possible, as well as myself and husband. It's a good thing my favorite organic baby spinach is plentiful at the grocery store!

Tonight I kept it simple and yummy:
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen peach slices
1/2 cup frozen Maine blueberries
2 tablespoons wheat germ
2 cups+  raw baby spinach
Cold brewed green tea with pomegranate

It's very refreshing!! I had extra so I froze some for Popsicles!

Maybe its because I have green eyes that all things green look good...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bite, blend and bake....

Here at the B household we treasure our bananas. I buy a LOT each week because bananas are special.  You can bite them raw, freeze them to blend or bake them into delicious gooey-ness! Well, this evening I was in a baking mood. There's something about being under a tornado warning that makes me want to turn every electric appliance on in the house.  Banana bread over-ruled a banana smoothie tonight.


Monday, May 30, 2011

Coco Loco

What a wonderful weekend!! We were able to relax and spend time with family and friends.
The highlight of my weekend was definitely our daughter's first race!! She did great (my husband refers to her as a "lightening bolt with pigtails" :-)

We BBQ'd a lot this weekend and are ending the holiday weekend with brownies and a little mixed creation I am calling... "Coco Loco". Since my husband is now on vacation I guess we are starting the week with the "Coco Loco" as well :-p

I blended...
A lot of ice
17 oz Coconut water w/ pomegranate & Acai
1/4 raw coconut (not the shredded kind but the kind you spend a very long time breaking open!)
1/2 frozen pineapple
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1 squeezed lime

*and rum... I just happen to have coconut rum in my freezer :-)

The "Coco Loco" is so delicious! The pineapple and coconut make me feel like I am back in Hawaii sipping drinks on the beach!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Eat Lobster.

Enough said. 

Dined on lobster bought right off the boat in town :-)
If only I could blend lobster with butter and drink it from a straw, I would.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Coffee is for Lovers

I love coffee. I can have regular or decaf, hot or cold, fresh or old (re-heated in microwave) and its all good to me. I have tried numerous times to give it up or cutback with no luck (except during the nine months I was pregnant).  Now, I find it easier to just admit I love it and to drink it... in moderation... sometimes. My wonderful (and sad from spending a LOT at Dunks and Starbucks) husband bought me a Keurig for Mother's Day. I love it! I roll out of bed a little quicker in the morning so I can decide which flavor to awaken to (usually Kona b/c it reminds me of our visits to Hawaii!)

After lunch I thought about having another cup. I thought I could justify this by making it, cooling it and blending it into an iced coffee smoothie creation!

*8 oz chilled fresh brewed coffee
*Half & Half (the normal amount you would have in your coffee... for me it's a lot - I like coffee in my creamer :-P)
1 tablespoon chocolate ice cream topping
(frozen blueberries if you need something healthier)

So, this may not be the healthiest smoothie I have ever made but it really is delicious!!!

Next I am going to make my version of a Pomegranate Coconut Acai Margarita to celebrate 2000 viewer hits!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Asparagus is good and pineapple salsa is great.

I am sitting on my couch in my FLANNEL pajamas (its mid-May and very cold) with my laptop eating pineapple salsa --> the best salsa ever. I just enjoyed a yummy dinner with my new favorite veggie, asparagus! I have been roasting it frequently and it is so yummy!! Tonight as I was about to pour olive oil over the bunch I pulled 2 out and wondered how they would taste raw and blended. So I tested the very nutrient rich veggie and was very happy about the results!

I blended:
2 stalks of raw asparagus
4 oz Stoneyfield strawberry probiotic yogurt
1/2 cup fresh sliced strawberries
1/2 cup frozen pineapple
1/2 cup raw baby spinach
Green Tea

My daughter said it tasted like chocolate and strawberries... which isn't entirely accurate but I think she meant it was delicious! I'm happy with this one and might add more asparagus next time! 

I really like drinking raw veggies b/c the majority of our consumed veggies are steamed or roasted.

Friday, May 13, 2011


I wish I had posted a new smoothie recipe sooner... I just kept getting busy and blending our same old favorites. Tonight, after a day of playing on playgrounds and spending wonderful time with my daughter and husband, I decided it was time to drink some rhubarb. I've never had rhubarb before but I have heard of rhubarb pie. My logic is... if it can be made into a pie how bad could it be???
Drum roll..... rhubarb is delicious!!

I  blended:
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen Maine blueberries
1 cup frozen diced rhubarb
1 cup raw baby spinach
1 tablespoon wheat germ
1 tablespoon honey
Green Tea

I added the honey after I blended everything because the rhubarb created a slightly bitter taste. After it was all blended we all enjoyed some -> my husband especially who needs a boost from playing all day, surfing this evening and is about to leave to play hockey tonight... and wake-up early to surf again (it makes me tired just to type that!)
FYI... the rhubarb is a little stringy, like celery.

I add spinach to almost all of my smoothies because I LOVE spinach and I want my daughter to get her leafy greens. Today I read an article about how a lot of toddlers are iron deficient because they don't eat enough iron rich foods... I feel confident my daughter is OK since she eats more spinach then most adults! I heart smoothies.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


OK, is just me or have groceries increased a LOT lately??? I know I sound old asking this question but jeez... every time I check out at the grocery store I feel like I am being robbed. Granted we do buy a lot of organic food and produce, which add up quickly, but I swear prices have jumped recently. I guess it is only to be expected since gas prices have gone up....

I think my thoughts of wanting a vegetable garden have shifted towards we NEED a vegetable garden! I have already bought wheat grass seeds to grow for smoothies - maybe I need to buy a packet of every type of vegetable! 

I will be posting a new recipe soon... with rhubarb!

*Please take my poll on the left side of the screen!!**

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Holy Melon

OK, so I've been a little busy. I'm planning a Mother's Day brunch for 15 people that I love at our home :-) We're staring at our backyard waiting for the new grass to come in. And we've been enjoying the weather by spending most of our days outside at the playground or bubble blowing. 

I found myself staring at the honeydew melon in my fridge and wondering what to blend it with. I just threw some things in (in hopes of making room in my fridge for all the party food I bought).

I blended...
1/2 of a honeydew melon frozen
1 banana
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
1 cup raw baby spinach
4 oz Stoneyfield baby yogurt Apple & Sweet Potato
Green Tea

We are also enjoying some carrot cake whoopie pies thanks to "Aunta"!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cooking up a storm

I love being in the kitchen. I don't care if that makes me sound too old-fashioned because it's the truth. I love cooking and trying / tasting new ideas. Today I tried making steamed clams. I was so excited thinking they would taste similar to their ocean-friend, the lobster. I think they came out looking quite ideal.. until I looked a little closer. Clams look pretty disgusting. I dipped one in butter anyway and placed it on my tongue - it tasted salty and good. I bit into and just couldn't get past the texture. I spit it out and was done. I think I'll stick to the lobster.

I have been making smoothies lately - just simple ones - nothing to write about. So I decided to whip up a yummy veggie dinner tonight to add some "veggie-excitement" into our bellies. I mixed cherry tomatoes, onions, broccoli, summer squash and zucchini with pesto and baked it in the oven. Poured over rice with sweet potato fries.... this was a delicious and healthy dinner!!
I'll be returning to the blender soon... I just need some fresh ideas. I could drink spinach smoothies everyday but that's not very exciting. We'll see what this week brings :-)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Practice makes....

Practice makes... yummy?
I love trying new fruits and veggies in my smoothies! Most of the time it blends tasty, while sometimes it's just plain gross. Today, while at the grocery store I spotted a beautiful organic grapefruit. I thought it looked nice it would therefore taste wonderful. I knew grapefruit was bitter so I paired it with an apple and honey to sweeten it. I honestly don't think anything could make that smoothie NOT taste like crushed medicine you have to chew and swallow. 
I dumped it out and blended a smoothie with what was in the fridge.

Frozen blueberries
Frozen strawberries
raw spinach
1/4 cup cannellini beans
7 oz Naked Juice Green Machine
Green tea to blend

So good! I cheated with the pre-made Naked juice but made up for it with the beans.

I will start taking pictures... although all my smoothies look similar (the spinach tints it green!)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hoppy Easter

Hoppy Easter!
Spent a wonderful day with my family and ate an extreme amount of ham and bacon... which was wonderful! Still feeling too full for dinner I made a quick smoothie for the family.
I blended...
1 pear
3 slices of pineapple 
1 cup frozen peaches
Raw baby spinach
Green tea

This is a very refreshing and thirst-quenching smoothie (I suppose too much ham and bacon can make you VERY thirsty!) - I'll have to remember to make this on hot Summer days!

On a sad note - my daughter's new fish died... already! (I knew I should have got the Petco frequent buyers card... I knew I would be back). So we told our daughter Ruben (the fish) went to the library for the day. After our Easter celebration I went to the pet store to replace him. Since Ruben was a vibrant red color he was hard to replace. I went with a blue fish instead... hoping she would be so happy to see it she wouldn't notice. Again, at checkout I decline the frequent buyers card (strike two...). I get the new fish in the car and tell our daughter that I just picked up Ruben and he's back to play. Our daughter says "He looks different, Mom." I reply "He does? Hmm... I think he got a makeover. Let's give him a new name for a whole new look. How about Tulip?" Happily, our daughter agreed. I figure I will probably become good acquaintances with the employees at Petco.
Welcome Tulip... please live longer then 24 hours.

Have a wonderful weekend with those you love!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Peachy Keen

OK, so I am playing the busy card again...  creating a backyard, planning for Easter, and taking down everything that reminds me of Winter. Winter wreath on front door - down (replaced my Spring wreath). Garden - raked (and will probably need to be raked 20 more times). Fire place - cleaned...never to be used again (not worth the health risks!).  Daughter's Winter clothes - packed away (daughter's Spring wardrobe - fabulous and ready to wear :-D )

Too busy to get creative but not so busy that I couldn't whip up a smoothie to insure my daughter was drinking her greens and berries.

I blended this simple mix of...
Frozen peaches
Frozen blueberries
Frozen strawberries
raw baby spinach
Sprinkle of wheat germ
Green tea

She drank most of it.... and then wanted to watch her new pet fish "Ruben" swim around and look petrified (I mean we did have our faces 2 inches from the bowl... our cat being one of the faces).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Eat Dirt

Well, I apologize for my lack of blending. We have been very busy working on a big project... a new backyard!! Dirt by the truckloads have been arriving, spread and preparing to become a green lawn! We have big dreams... a plush green lawn to BBQ on, play on, and hopefully house a swing set that will make our daughter never want to come inside. First things first... more dirt. 

I have been blending - just nothing new. Making my favorite recipe and using the large amounts of pineapple that have built up in our fridge. I'm thinking a "dirt" smoothie is in my near future... of course I won't use real dirt (it's much too expensive as we've recently learned) but chocolate!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I felt so bummed about the eggplant disaster that I went out to the store and bought a cookie mix and frosting. Then with the help of my little one we baked something delicious to enjoy... and hopefully the cookies will take away the eggplant taste from her mouth.

Simply Purple. Simply not good.

OK, so today's smoothie features eggplant. I was so excited to make this smoothie because we don't eat eggplant so I love incorporating new foods into our diets! I thought eggplant was bland enough to blend with fruit - making it a perfect ingredient. Well... I stand corrected. I don't like eggplant.

In case you do like eggplant and want to check it out...
Frozen blackberries
Frozen blueberries
1 Tablespoon honey
1/2 half a raw eggplant
Splash of green tea and blueberry juice

My daughter even took her cup and placed it back on the counter and walked away. Ouch.

Well, not every smoothie can be delicious... but they can all be healthy.... gross or not :-P

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Parsnip for your thoughts?

I had never tasted a parsnip before. I guess they just don't fit into our holiday meals or everyday stir-fries. I picked them up at the grocery store because they looked so pretty (like white carrots) and were all-alone on the end of the aisle.

I took a bite of a raw one and it tastes like a bland carrot. It's definitely something I could snack on with dip and could mash with potatoes. It is bland enough to take on the flavors of the fruit it is blended with and has a lot of fiber to make for a fun night ;-)

I blended...
Frozen sliced pineapple
1 frozen banana
1 orange
1 raw peeled parsnip
Splash of green tea and pineapple juice

It is delicious and the parsnip cannot be tasted at all (pineapple is so strong it masks almost anything).

PS -A note from my daughter who is patiently sitting my lap: lrrf,.fghjkrde.W?Qaassddfffgghjkil;;;;;'

Monday, April 11, 2011

Paper beats Rock. Ice cream beats smoothies.

I had the best of intentions of making a creative smoothie tonight.... But as I write this it's 71 degrees outside and the best ice cream place is now open.... Ice Cream beats smoothies.... today!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Monkey Mix

This smoothie is for my little monkey. She always tastes whatever creation I make and I appreciate that :-) I wanted to make something she would truly love and consider an extra sweet treat!

I blended...
5 mini bananas (or 2 big ones)
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon honey
4 oz Stoneyfield vanilla probiotic yogurt
Organic milk to blend

It looks and tastes like ice cream because it's so thick! My husband claims this is the best smoothie yet - probably because it's the most dessert-like and least healthy with no veggies :-P

I hope a lot of monkeys can enjoy this!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Everything But The Kitchen Sink

I spend a lot of money on produce every week. I am not complaining just stating this so you'll understand why I refuse to throw any of it out. As the week comes to an end and I have to grocery shop again I either stir-fry it up, freeze it for future smoothies or throw it all in the blender with everything else that is lingering in the fridge. Tonight, I threw everything in the blender and drank down a lot of produce.

I blended...
Frozen green grapes
Frozen raspberries
Frozen blueberries
Frozen zucchini
1/2 of a squeezed lime
1 peeled plum
1 mini banana
Collard greens
Baby Spinach
Green Tea
Splash of cranberry juice

So good! I am impressed that everything meshed so well together. My daughter drank all of hers and helped me with mine. We all got our "5-a-day plus" in one big glass :-D and I didn't have to throw anything out!

Now my fridge is available for all the new things I can bring home to experiment with next week!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Papaya Situation

My creative juices are not flowing right now. I couldn't think of a smoothie idea so I took my daughter to the grocery store and let her pick a new ingredient. It was a toss up between papaya and star fruit but she chose the larger of the two (and probably because the papaya resembles a ball). Papaya!

I came home and skinned the fruit, scooped the seeds and froze the inside fruit (which by the way is not a lot!) 

I blended...
1 skinned, diced and frozen papaya
2 skinned and raw kiwis
1/2 squeezed lime
1/2 cup frozen green grapes
1 banana
1 cup raw baby spinach
Cold brewed green tea

You mostly taste the banana but it is really delicious!

I'm happy with her papaya choice - it feels so exotic, like if I close my eyes I'll be on the beach somewhere warm instead of "Still Snowy in Maine"
Here's to papaya!

(Thanks to my SIL in for the backgrounds! Now my pictures can be snazzy ;-)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tres Jolie

Driving home from a wonderful dinner with beautiful friends I saw the license plate "trejoli". In French "Très jolie" means very nice or very pretty. How appropriate :-) It was a very pretty day and a very nice weekend filled with relaxation and happy times!
New smoothie coming tomorrow!

That is all :-) Have a good night.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Twilight the Smoothie

To honor my new love of Twilight I will be sitting down (well, laying down!) to watch New Moon and Eclipse tonight! How could I not?? I can't just leave Edward and Bella dancing at the prom wondering what happened to them! I made a blood red concoction to honor my favorite vampire (I guess that means I am Team Edward :-)

I blended:
1 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
1 diced plum
1 diced medium raw beet
3 big collard green leaves
Cold brewed green tea
Splash of pomegranate juice

This is a VERY red smoothie and I think delicious... I lost my sense of taste and smell being congested so I have to base the end result on my daughter drinking all of hers and trying to drink mine, as well as my husband drinking all of his! I could feel there was extra graininess, which must be the plum. I think next time I would skip the plum and try a blood orange!

P.S. - I have over 1,000 views!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Snow Day?

I deny the snow like I deny sickness. I doubt we'll get much tomorrow but because I am saying this publicly I'm sure we'll get 12"+ :-) Just to further jinx the weather I am washing my daughter's winter boots to pack away...

In the meantime I am very busy watching the Twilight series. Why did no one tell me how amazing this vampire situation was? I know a select few told me to read the books and watch the movies but I'm not really into "unrealistic" things (never read or watched Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc).... until 4 nights ago. With nothing on TV I found myself watching Twilight. As soon as Edward was hopping around on trees acting so cute I told my husband not make a noise and I was hypnotized. This new found love leads to the new smoothie creation coming tomorrow... a smoothie red like blood but sweet like plums!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


In the past when I have denied being sick the symptoms would just disappear. Not this time. I couldn't get off the couch last night and could barely utter the words "I need something sweet to eat".

I cleared our plans and decided to just stay home and rest! Luckily my 2 year old is going on 70 years old and likes to do puzzles all day - it makes it for a relaxing day! I also made a very simple but very slushy smoothie... (I think it tastes good... my sense of smell and taste are gone).

1 cup blackberries
1/2 cup strawberries
Green tea

I am now off to nap.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Busy Bee.

I have a busy week ahead of me so I won't be posting any recipes for a couple days. I will, however be looking into doing a Walk for Hunger. I am always looking for runs or walks that profits a charity. Raising money for hunger seems like one of the best causes I could support. I have only found ones in MA and CT right now... hopefully I can find a ME or NH one. Team Smoothie?

Also, I am looking for a great farmer's market! It can be anywhere in New England.... it just has to be awesome! I can make it into a roadtrip (with other entertainment too... I am not that much of a farmer's market enthusiast :-). Please let me know if you know of one!

p.s.- The Man Cold has intensified. I may have to re-name it the Man Disease.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Every great coupling has a celebrity couple name... today it is Ki-cchini!
Kiwi & Zucchini are a match made in smoothie land!

I decided I wanted an all green smoothie, since spinach is my favorite smoothie ingredient. I figured kiwi would be a great addition since it is so sweet and zucchini basically has no flavor but is packed with all kinds of nutrients. 

I blended...
1/2 of a raw, diced & then frozen zucchini (keep skin on!)
3 peeled, diced & frozen kiwis
1/2 cup frozen green grapes
1 cup raw baby spinach
1 tablespoon honey
Cold brewed green tea 
Splash of juice

The results are delicious! Everyone at my house drank it all!

Meanwhile, I am still chanting, "I will not get sick. I will not get sick."

*Starting to run out of "Fresh" ideas... anyone want to make a smoothie suggestion?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Win Win

Go Team Whoopie!

Friday, March 25, 2011

If you like Pina Coladas...

I do!
There isn't much difference between frozen drinks and smoothies... except alcohol. I could use some after the day I had!
All my bones are in tact for one... I was out running in the village today, minding my own business and listening to some jazzy 90's rap when a jeep backed down their driveway so fast they almost hit me! I jumped back in time for the guy to barely miss me! In true Maine fashion the driver apologized over and over and I said it was ok. Not ok that he almost ran me over but ok that he was so nice about it. (At least I run near the hospital so I could have hobbled over there...) High on the idea of not being injured I decided to run a longer loop... too bad my calves didn't agree. BUT I must have run very fast b/c I got home and found out I ripped my running capris up the leg. Speed is dangerous :-P

Now my daughter AND my husband are sick. My daughter ASKED to go to the dr's today and sure enough... ear infection!

Needless to say I need a drink tonight.

This smoothie is delicious!!
1 1/2 cup frozen pineapple
1 banana
1 tbls honey
11.2 oz Vita Coco Coconut Water
Splash of pineapple juice

***RUM to be added after it gets dark out b/c I should at least wait for that***

I noticed there are a lot of views on the blog which is great!! If you like it PLEASE follow it! I want more followers :-)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Smoothie for Avie

My daughter LOVES smoothies.
Since she was a great listener today I made her a tasty one tonight....

Frozen strawberries
Frozen blueberries
Frozen green grapes
Strawberry probiotic yogart (4oz)
1 cup raw collard greens
Cold brewed green tea and apple juice to help blend

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Man Cold

I haven't written in a little while... we have a case of the Man Cold at our house. My husband has not been drinking all the beet smoothies I have been making while trying to perfect the recipe. Now, he has The Man Cold. The Man Cold is really just a normal cold that infects a male and therefore becomes an earth-shattering situation that requires they moan, groan and be moody.

I am not sick and don't plan to be. I'm not saying I have avoided illness through beets... there is nothing like frequent play dates to build up an immune system and hand sanitizer in my purse, car and kitchen. BUT I give a lot of credit to smoothies, which have a lot of benefits to them! Beets have a lot of Vitamin C... which may help (wink wink, husband!)

Now if I do get sick (knock on wood I don't) I will get the Mom Cold, which means nothing changes except the tissue in your hand and the makeup to cover-up the red nose.

I am also in the midst of potty-training my beet-loving daughter. It's going great - as long as we never leave the house again. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Just Beet It.

So recently I've heard a lot about beets. They are a great antioxidant that helps fight cancer and... they barely have any flavor and take on the flavor of what is cooked or blended with them. I decided that I HAD to make a beet smoothie!
Luckily, I had a larger than normal taste group (3 + me!) and the verdict was split. 2 people (that may I add are siblings are like to joke together) thought the smoothie took on a "dirt-like" flavor. My “distinguish palate for a 2 year old” daughter and myself liked it! There is a "fresh taste" (as if there was a lot of spinach) but all you can really taste is the other fruit.
You be the judge....
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 banana
1 raw peeled beet - chopped
Green tea and a splash of Langer's juice for flavor

The Smoothie takes on a VERY bright red color and is so yummy... in my opinion!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pops Galore!

While I am working on a yummy and creative new smoothie recipe I decided to share how we make sweet treats from our left over smoothies. We typically don't have leftovers (they are that good :-) but on occasion there are some. So I pour any extra into our popsicle holders and... VOILA! Sweet popsicles that are healthy and can be given for breakfast (when certain little children refuse to eat normal breakfast foods) and really any old time. Throw some cereal in the blender to give the pops texture and whole grains! :-)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Not for the Faint of Heart

I made fish for dinner (:-X) but I do it because it’s healthy. So I figured why not continue the "risky" food choices tonight and make a broccoli smoothie! I bought a VERY large quantity of it this week with hopes that it would make me steam, blend, and dip it!

I called this post "Not for the Faint of Heart" because adding raw broccoli to a smoothie makes for an interesting texture.... and taste. My husband said he could taste what felt like "fresh lawn clippings" and didn't care for it. I, myself, like the broccoli taste (very fresh tasting) and my 2 year old drank all of hers in record time!

I blended:

Frozen strawberries, blueberries and blackberries
4 oz Stoneyfield French Vanilla Probiotic yogurt
1 cup raw baby spinach
Cold brewed green tea
Pomegranate Blueberry Juice
*3 medium pieces of broccoli - stems and all* - you add less for a not so "fresh" taste :-)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Creamsicle Smoothie!

1 French vanilla probiotic yogurt 4 oz
1 peeled orange
Sprinkle of wheat germ
Splash of orange juice or lemonade
A little bit of cold water to blend

*If your "daring" add 1 peeled raw carrot to the blend (cut up in chunks)*

(one with carrots is on left) 

My 2 year old thought this was a dessert (little did she know how healthy!)
My husband has the most sensitive taste buds and couldn't taste the carrots!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Team Whoopie

I know this blog is about smoothies but in honor of all things sweet....Whoopies!

I love chocolate whoopies, pumpkin whoopies, and after tonight... chocolate chip whoopies!
The State of Maine is all up in arms about what should or should not be the official dessert of the state. Some people want the amazing whoopie pie and some want the everyday, can buy at every convenience store, is only great with ice cream.... blueberry pie. Now that I am a "Mainiac" I am very dedicated to this cause. My love for the whoopie pie is so strong that I may have to move to Pennsylvania (the other state trying to get the whoopie pie as their official dessert). Now the pie-lovers argue that a dessert with lard should not be Maine's official dessert. To that I say... ha! Lard never tasted so good :-P

I was going to make Team Whoopie shirts but decided to just make some delicious whoopie pies instead.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Playing Favorites

I play favorites when it comes to food... lobster, cookie dough ice cream and my favorite smoothie recipe! I make this one frequently and feel like I am actually getting some good things back from it :-)

1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup frozen raspberries or blackberries
2 cups raw baby spinach
Sprinkle of wheat germ
1 1/2 cup cold homemade brewed green tea
Splash of natural juice (without high-fructose corn syrup and dyes)

*I add honey if I feel sick


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Welcome to my blog. I've thought about starting a blog for a while but could never settle on a topic that would keep my interest.... until recently :-) My love of all things smoothie and people always asking me for my recipes made me think that it would be fun to describe my frequent blends. Hoping a few people may actually check in from time to time and possibly create their own tasty treats!

A little background on my smoothie obsession.... I've blended for some time but really fine-tuned my recipes when my daughter decided food was no longer a priority. My smoothies became the best route for fruits and veggies to head to her stomach :-) If a two year old likes them then I must be doing something right!

I will be posting my favorite recipe soon!! Please feel free to comment and tell me your favorite recipe, ingredients, if you tried my recipe & if you have an ingredient you would like me to try :-) (Be kind... although I am always up for a challenge :-)

Happy Blending!