Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Parsnip for your thoughts?

I had never tasted a parsnip before. I guess they just don't fit into our holiday meals or everyday stir-fries. I picked them up at the grocery store because they looked so pretty (like white carrots) and were all-alone on the end of the aisle.

I took a bite of a raw one and it tastes like a bland carrot. It's definitely something I could snack on with dip and could mash with potatoes. It is bland enough to take on the flavors of the fruit it is blended with and has a lot of fiber to make for a fun night ;-)

I blended...
Frozen sliced pineapple
1 frozen banana
1 orange
1 raw peeled parsnip
Splash of green tea and pineapple juice

It is delicious and the parsnip cannot be tasted at all (pineapple is so strong it masks almost anything).

PS -A note from my daughter who is patiently sitting my lap: lrrf,.fghjkrde.W?Qaassddfffgghjkil;;;;;'


  1. I want to try some parsnips now! Good research!

  2. Aren't parsnips great? Who would have thought they'd be as good in a smoothie? I'd try it!
