I spend a lot of money on produce every week. I am not complaining just stating this so you'll understand why I refuse to throw any of it out. As the week comes to an end and I have to grocery shop again I either stir-fry it up, freeze it for future smoothies or throw it all in the blender with everything else that is lingering in the fridge. Tonight, I threw everything in the blender and drank down a lot of produce.
I blended...
Frozen green grapes
Frozen raspberries
Frozen blueberries
Frozen zucchini
1/2 of a squeezed lime
1 peeled plum
1 mini banana
Collard greens
Baby Spinach
Green Tea
Splash of cranberry juice
So good! I am impressed that everything meshed so well together. My daughter drank all of hers and helped me with mine. We all got our "5-a-day plus" in one big glass :-D and I didn't have to throw anything out!
Very resourceful!