Thursday, May 19, 2011

Coffee is for Lovers

I love coffee. I can have regular or decaf, hot or cold, fresh or old (re-heated in microwave) and its all good to me. I have tried numerous times to give it up or cutback with no luck (except during the nine months I was pregnant).  Now, I find it easier to just admit I love it and to drink it... in moderation... sometimes. My wonderful (and sad from spending a LOT at Dunks and Starbucks) husband bought me a Keurig for Mother's Day. I love it! I roll out of bed a little quicker in the morning so I can decide which flavor to awaken to (usually Kona b/c it reminds me of our visits to Hawaii!)

After lunch I thought about having another cup. I thought I could justify this by making it, cooling it and blending it into an iced coffee smoothie creation!

*8 oz chilled fresh brewed coffee
*Half & Half (the normal amount you would have in your coffee... for me it's a lot - I like coffee in my creamer :-P)
1 tablespoon chocolate ice cream topping
(frozen blueberries if you need something healthier)

So, this may not be the healthiest smoothie I have ever made but it really is delicious!!!

Next I am going to make my version of a Pomegranate Coconut Acai Margarita to celebrate 2000 viewer hits!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well I am NOT a coffee drinking but I WANT to try your coffee smoothie! And also I am really looking forward to the next smoothie you are making as well!!! Maybe I need to stop being so lazy and try to make some myself....
