Thursday, March 31, 2011

Snow Day?

I deny the snow like I deny sickness. I doubt we'll get much tomorrow but because I am saying this publicly I'm sure we'll get 12"+ :-) Just to further jinx the weather I am washing my daughter's winter boots to pack away...

In the meantime I am very busy watching the Twilight series. Why did no one tell me how amazing this vampire situation was? I know a select few told me to read the books and watch the movies but I'm not really into "unrealistic" things (never read or watched Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc).... until 4 nights ago. With nothing on TV I found myself watching Twilight. As soon as Edward was hopping around on trees acting so cute I told my husband not make a noise and I was hypnotized. This new found love leads to the new smoothie creation coming tomorrow... a smoothie red like blood but sweet like plums!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


In the past when I have denied being sick the symptoms would just disappear. Not this time. I couldn't get off the couch last night and could barely utter the words "I need something sweet to eat".

I cleared our plans and decided to just stay home and rest! Luckily my 2 year old is going on 70 years old and likes to do puzzles all day - it makes it for a relaxing day! I also made a very simple but very slushy smoothie... (I think it tastes good... my sense of smell and taste are gone).

1 cup blackberries
1/2 cup strawberries
Green tea

I am now off to nap.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Busy Bee.

I have a busy week ahead of me so I won't be posting any recipes for a couple days. I will, however be looking into doing a Walk for Hunger. I am always looking for runs or walks that profits a charity. Raising money for hunger seems like one of the best causes I could support. I have only found ones in MA and CT right now... hopefully I can find a ME or NH one. Team Smoothie?

Also, I am looking for a great farmer's market! It can be anywhere in New England.... it just has to be awesome! I can make it into a roadtrip (with other entertainment too... I am not that much of a farmer's market enthusiast :-). Please let me know if you know of one!

p.s.- The Man Cold has intensified. I may have to re-name it the Man Disease.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Every great coupling has a celebrity couple name... today it is Ki-cchini!
Kiwi & Zucchini are a match made in smoothie land!

I decided I wanted an all green smoothie, since spinach is my favorite smoothie ingredient. I figured kiwi would be a great addition since it is so sweet and zucchini basically has no flavor but is packed with all kinds of nutrients. 

I blended...
1/2 of a raw, diced & then frozen zucchini (keep skin on!)
3 peeled, diced & frozen kiwis
1/2 cup frozen green grapes
1 cup raw baby spinach
1 tablespoon honey
Cold brewed green tea 
Splash of juice

The results are delicious! Everyone at my house drank it all!

Meanwhile, I am still chanting, "I will not get sick. I will not get sick."

*Starting to run out of "Fresh" ideas... anyone want to make a smoothie suggestion?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Win Win

Go Team Whoopie!

Friday, March 25, 2011

If you like Pina Coladas...

I do!
There isn't much difference between frozen drinks and smoothies... except alcohol. I could use some after the day I had!
All my bones are in tact for one... I was out running in the village today, minding my own business and listening to some jazzy 90's rap when a jeep backed down their driveway so fast they almost hit me! I jumped back in time for the guy to barely miss me! In true Maine fashion the driver apologized over and over and I said it was ok. Not ok that he almost ran me over but ok that he was so nice about it. (At least I run near the hospital so I could have hobbled over there...) High on the idea of not being injured I decided to run a longer loop... too bad my calves didn't agree. BUT I must have run very fast b/c I got home and found out I ripped my running capris up the leg. Speed is dangerous :-P

Now my daughter AND my husband are sick. My daughter ASKED to go to the dr's today and sure enough... ear infection!

Needless to say I need a drink tonight.

This smoothie is delicious!!
1 1/2 cup frozen pineapple
1 banana
1 tbls honey
11.2 oz Vita Coco Coconut Water
Splash of pineapple juice

***RUM to be added after it gets dark out b/c I should at least wait for that***

I noticed there are a lot of views on the blog which is great!! If you like it PLEASE follow it! I want more followers :-)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Smoothie for Avie

My daughter LOVES smoothies.
Since she was a great listener today I made her a tasty one tonight....

Frozen strawberries
Frozen blueberries
Frozen green grapes
Strawberry probiotic yogart (4oz)
1 cup raw collard greens
Cold brewed green tea and apple juice to help blend

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Man Cold

I haven't written in a little while... we have a case of the Man Cold at our house. My husband has not been drinking all the beet smoothies I have been making while trying to perfect the recipe. Now, he has The Man Cold. The Man Cold is really just a normal cold that infects a male and therefore becomes an earth-shattering situation that requires they moan, groan and be moody.

I am not sick and don't plan to be. I'm not saying I have avoided illness through beets... there is nothing like frequent play dates to build up an immune system and hand sanitizer in my purse, car and kitchen. BUT I give a lot of credit to smoothies, which have a lot of benefits to them! Beets have a lot of Vitamin C... which may help (wink wink, husband!)

Now if I do get sick (knock on wood I don't) I will get the Mom Cold, which means nothing changes except the tissue in your hand and the makeup to cover-up the red nose.

I am also in the midst of potty-training my beet-loving daughter. It's going great - as long as we never leave the house again. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Just Beet It.

So recently I've heard a lot about beets. They are a great antioxidant that helps fight cancer and... they barely have any flavor and take on the flavor of what is cooked or blended with them. I decided that I HAD to make a beet smoothie!
Luckily, I had a larger than normal taste group (3 + me!) and the verdict was split. 2 people (that may I add are siblings are like to joke together) thought the smoothie took on a "dirt-like" flavor. My “distinguish palate for a 2 year old” daughter and myself liked it! There is a "fresh taste" (as if there was a lot of spinach) but all you can really taste is the other fruit.
You be the judge....
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 banana
1 raw peeled beet - chopped
Green tea and a splash of Langer's juice for flavor

The Smoothie takes on a VERY bright red color and is so yummy... in my opinion!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pops Galore!

While I am working on a yummy and creative new smoothie recipe I decided to share how we make sweet treats from our left over smoothies. We typically don't have leftovers (they are that good :-) but on occasion there are some. So I pour any extra into our popsicle holders and... VOILA! Sweet popsicles that are healthy and can be given for breakfast (when certain little children refuse to eat normal breakfast foods) and really any old time. Throw some cereal in the blender to give the pops texture and whole grains! :-)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Not for the Faint of Heart

I made fish for dinner (:-X) but I do it because it’s healthy. So I figured why not continue the "risky" food choices tonight and make a broccoli smoothie! I bought a VERY large quantity of it this week with hopes that it would make me steam, blend, and dip it!

I called this post "Not for the Faint of Heart" because adding raw broccoli to a smoothie makes for an interesting texture.... and taste. My husband said he could taste what felt like "fresh lawn clippings" and didn't care for it. I, myself, like the broccoli taste (very fresh tasting) and my 2 year old drank all of hers in record time!

I blended:

Frozen strawberries, blueberries and blackberries
4 oz Stoneyfield French Vanilla Probiotic yogurt
1 cup raw baby spinach
Cold brewed green tea
Pomegranate Blueberry Juice
*3 medium pieces of broccoli - stems and all* - you add less for a not so "fresh" taste :-)